Bestiario Blog

5 AI applications that Can Help your Business Grow

Written by Bestiario | Jun 14, 2024 6:00:00 AM

Artificial Intelligence (AI) drives business growth by automating tasks, enhancing decision-making, and improving customer experiences. Businesses are embracing the transformative power of AI-driven technologies to gain a competitive edge in their respective industries. It’s a cost-effective way to streamline operation and marketing efforts through intelligent automation. 

In this article, we'll explore five specific AI applications poised to revolutionise businesses including, AI-Powered Customer Service Chatbots, Data Analysis and Prediction Tools for Marketing, Automated Content Creation, Personalization, AI-Enhanced Data Visualisation, and Automated Inventory Management. These innovative tools are reshaping industries, offering unparalleled efficiency and insights. 

Read on to uncover how Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can transform your business, maximising its potential and efficiency in 2024.


1. AI-Powered Customer Service Chatbots

AI-powered customer service chatbots are automated systems that use artificial intelligence to interact with customers. They leverage natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to customer queries in a conversational manner. AI chatbots enhance customer service by offering immediate responses, which reduces waiting times and increases customer satisfaction. Businesses benefit from AI chatbots through cost reduction and improved customer experiences.

Automating customer service tasks reduces the need for large support teams, leading to significant cost savings. Chatbots also free up human agents to handle more complex issues, improving overall efficiency. Many industries have successfully implemented AI chatbots. In e-commerce, companies like Amazon use chatbots to assist with order tracking and returns. In banking, institutions such as Bank of America use chatbots to help customers check balances and make transactions. The healthcare sector also benefits, with chatbots providing patients with appointment scheduling and symptom checking.

2. Data Analysis and Prediction Tools for Marketing

Marketing undergoes a transformative shift with AI, utilising advanced data analysis and predictive capabilities. AI enhances marketing by providing deep insights into customer behaviour. It segments audiences accurately based on their actions and preferences. Predictive analytics forecast future trends, helping marketers stay ahead of the curve. AI's integration automates repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency and allowing marketers to focus on creative aspects. 

Several companies have successfully used AI in marketing. Netflix uses AI to recommend shows and movies based on viewing history, which enhances user engagement and retention. Coca-Cola employs AI to analyse social media trends and customer sentiment, allowing for more responsive marketing campaigns.

3. Automated Content Creation and Personalisation

AI generates content by analysing data and understanding user preferences, crafting messages that resonate with specific audiences. The algorithms use natural language processing to create articles, social media posts, and marketing campaigns. Several AI tools excel in content creation and personalisation.

Tools like OpenAI’s GPT-4 can draft articles and blogs, mimicking human writing styles. Phrases generate compelling marketing copy tailored to brand voices. Persado uses AI to create emotionally engaging content by analysing language patterns and audience reactions. Automated content generation saves time, allowing marketing teams to focus on strategy and creativity. 

Personalised content enhances user engagement, as individuals receive messages that align with their interests and needs. This tailored approach leads to higher conversion rates, as customers are more likely to respond to content that feels relevant. Businesses also see improved efficiency, as AI tools streamline content production processes, reducing the workload on human writers.

4. Automated Inventory Management

Automated Inventory Management involves utilising AI-powered systems to optimise inventory operations. These systems analyse historical data, predict demand patterns, and automate the reorder process to ensure optimal inventory levels. For instance, companies like Amazon and Walmart leverage AI algorithms to forecast demand accurately and adjust inventory levels accordingly.

The benefits of Automated Inventory Management are manifold. It leads to reduced inventory costs by optimising inventory levels and minimising excess stock. The AI application helps prevent stock outs by ensuring that popular items are always in stock. AI enhances efficiency in supply chain operations by automating tedious manual tasks associated with inventory management.

5. AI-Enhanced Data Visualisation

AI algorithms possess the capability to analyse complex datasets and transform them into visually comprehensible representations. This facilitates improved insights and decision-making through engaging and interactive data presentations.

Visual data presentations offer improved insights and decision-making. They transform intricate data into visually appealing and interactive formats. This allows users to quickly grasp patterns and trends, leading to better-informed decisions. Interactive visuals also enable users to explore data dynamically, uncovering deeper insights and fostering a more intuitive understanding of information.

Bestiario, with their deep understanding of AI tools and applications, showcases the power of AI-driven visuals with several of their clients. In a collaborative effort with Dom Pérignon, Bestiario played a pivotal role in transforming extensive data into interactive, colourful diagrams designed to decode and share the essence of their champagne, highlighting key trends and correlations. This approach not only made the data more accessible, but also helped Dom Pérignon identify critical insights that guided strategic decisions and brought the brand's story to life.




The integration of AI technologies into various aspects of business operations offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and efficiency. As businesses continue to adopt AI-driven solutions, they gain a competitive edge by leveraging automation, data-driven insights, and enhanced customer experiences. The future of AI in driving business innovation and expansion looks promising, with continued advancements in AI capabilities and broader adoption across industries.