Random picks 🎲
- Seeing cities as coral: What if cities were just the shadow of a giant coral?@CraigTalyorViz created the coral cities, check them out! Even animated!
- New trends in DALL-E 3: the generative ikea schematics (first seen here & here) & the Pixar movie posters are taking the world by the storm.
ikea like instruction schematics for assembling a product named
A Pixar style poster from a movie called Bestiario… (did it nail the font too?!)
Tool shed ⚒️
- On the sunny side of the bus: light vs darkness, day vs night. If you want to choose between those in your next travel make sure to check this webpage!
Learning path 📖
- Is your data lacking fama? You are in luck, since the EU has released this interesting webpage with many suggestions! Bring your data to a whole new dimension (haha, get it?).
Memory lane 🎥
- Map-street boys: This webpage lets you explore current maps vs old maps for “any region” in the world (if the map exists).

Post by
December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023