Random picks 🎲
- 12,795 possessions: Barbara Iwein photographed everything she owned, all 12,795+ objects. Find the catalog here and the Guardian article here
- How (not) to get hit by a self-driving car: avoid being recognised by the AI by doing non-human stuff by @studioplayfool and @tomokihara.
Also: avoid being run over by a tesla with the stop sign t-shirt
- The password game: fight the rules to get the right password game by @nealagarwal
Tool shed ⚒️
- Glifs: Nice and easy way to interact with AI models by running and customising pipelines to generate all kind of content. by @glifxyz
- Chronotrains: See the area where you can go with less than 8 hours in train from a given location in Europe by @_benjamintd
- Recent.design: mindless scrolling through nice web interfaces
Memory lane 📽️
- Project cybersyn: was a Chilean project from 1971 to 1973 during the presidency of Salvador Allende aimed at constructing a distributed decision support system to aid in the management of the national economy. The project consisted of four modules: an economic simulator, custom software to check factory performance, an operations room, and a national network of telex machines. If you want to know more about this topic a new podcast has dropped: https://the-santiago-boys.com/ or you can listen to the 99% invisible episode.

Post by
December 12, 2023
December 12, 2023